Go beyond technical skills - understanding your candidate's personality using the Big 5 OCEAN model on Alooba

Go beyond technical skills - understanding your candidate's personality using the Big 5 OCEAN model on Alooba

Hiring the right person for the job goes beyond just evaluating their technical skills. It’s important to understand your candidate's personality traits, work style, and motivation to ensure they are the right fit for your organization. This is where the Big 5 OCEAN model comes in - it provides a comprehensive framework for understanding an individual's personality.

What is the Big 5 OCEAN model?

The Big 5 OCEAN model is a comprehensive framework for understanding an individual's personality traits. It evaluates an individual based on five core traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These traits help to provide a well-rounded view of a candidate’s personality and can help you identify if they will be a good fit for your organization.

Here's a brief description of each of the Big 5 OCEAN traits:

  • Openness: Refers to an individual's imagination, creativity, and willingness to try new experiences. High levels of openness are associated with creativity, flexibility, and adaptability.

  • Conscientiousness: Refers to an individual's sense of responsibility, dependability, and attention to detail. High levels of conscientiousness are associated with being organized, reliable, and efficient.

  • Extraversion: Refers to an individual's level of sociability, assertiveness, and enthusiasm. High levels of extraversion are associated with being outgoing, confident, and energetic.

  • Agreeableness: Refers to an individual's level of cooperation, empathy, and friendliness. High levels of agreeableness are associated with being kind, compassionate, and easy to work with.

  • Neuroticism: Refers to an individual's level of emotional stability, anxiety, and moodiness. High levels of neuroticism are associated with being sensitive, anxious, and prone to stress.

How Alooba uses the Big 5 OCEAN model

Alooba, the end-to-end candidate selection product, includes a Personality Profiling quiz that uses the Big 5 OCEAN model to help you gain insight into your candidates. The quiz is designed to help you understand what motivates your candidates, their work style, and how they might fit into the organization.

The Benefits of using Alooba's Personality Profiling quiz

By using Alooba’s Personality Profiling quiz, you can go beyond just evaluating technical skills and gain a deeper understanding of your candidate's personality. This information can be used to determine if the candidate is the right fit for your organization, and can also be used to help with onboarding and training, as well as career development.

Don’t make hiring decisions based on technical skills alone. Use Alooba’s Personality Profiling quiz to gain a comprehensive understanding of your candidate's personality and ensure you are making the right hiring decision.

Using the Personality Profiling quiz as part of a comprehensive assessment

It's important to note that the Personality Profiling quiz is just one of the many available tests in Alooba and should be used alongside more objective tests. Alooba offers a variety of screening tests, including the Concepts and Knowledge test, Data Analysis test, SQL test, and Coding test, as well as in-depth assessments such as the Free Response test. These tests provide objective evaluations of a candidate's skills and abilities, giving you a well-rounded understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

By using a combination of objective skills assessments and the Personality Profiling quiz, you can get a comprehensive understanding of your candidate's abilities and personality, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

Get started with Alooba's Personality Profiling quiz

Book a call with someone at Alooba to learn more about how the Personality Profiling quiz can help you make better hiring decisions. With Alooba, you can go beyond just evaluating technical skills and gain a deeper understanding of your candidate's personality to ensure you are making the right hiring decision.