Client Success Stories with Alooba

Finding the right talent can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Resumes can be misleading, and interviews often feel subjective. That’s where Alooba can help. Our automated skills assessments assist businesses in identifying top performers quickly and efficiently.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some real-world stories from our clients. See how Alooba helped them streamline their hiring process, improve candidate quality, and achieve their business goals.

How Canva Supercharged Their Data Hiring with Skills Assessments, and Achieved 90% Candidate Satisfaction

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Canva, experiencing explosive growth, struggled to efficiently find top data talent amidst a flood of applications. Their old process, relying on CV screening, was biassed, slow, and led to many qualified candidates being overlooked. Canva implemented Alooba's skills assessment technology to automate screening and remove bias. This resulted in several benefits:

  • Reduced Bias: Removed subjectivity from CV screening, ensuring top talent wasn't overlooked.
  • Faster Hiring: Canva reduced their time-to-hire by eliminating the bottleneck of manual screening.
  • Improved Quality: By focusing on skills, Canva ensures they're hiring the best people for the job.
  • Happier Candidates: Delivered instant, actionable feedback to all applicants, boosting satisfaction to 90%.

Learn more about Canva’s hiring transformation.

Personio Automates Data Hiring with Alooba, Cuts Screening Time by 95%

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Personio, a leading HR software company, struggled to find top data talent amidst a flood of applications. Traditional methods like CV screening were slow, inaccurate, and discouraged strong candidates. Partnering with Alooba, Personio automated the screening process and delivered these benefits:

  • Improved Candidate Experience: Offers a quick, easy assessment (95% faster than take-home tests), boosting candidate satisfaction.
  • Improved Quality of Hires: Reduced screening time from days to hours, attracting and retaining top candidates.
  • Automated Screening: Eliminated manual CV review, saving valuable time for recruiters.
  • Happier Hiring Managers: Saved time by only reviewing qualified candidates.

Check out Personio's approach to transforming hiring. Scales Analytics Team with Alooba Match, Hires 8 Top Performers in 1 Year

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As a rapidly growing hotel booking marketplace, struggled to find qualified data analysts. To address this challenge, they turned to Alooba Match, a data-driven recruitment service. Using Alooba’s flagship skills assessments and technical interviews led to:

  • Hired Top Talent: Filled 8 analytics roles in just 1 year, exceeding expectations.
  • Reduced Risk: Avoided bad hires with in-depth candidate evaluation, ensuring long-term success.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined the hiring process with clear candidate strengths and weaknesses.
  • Built a Global Team: Tapped into a worldwide pool of talented analysts, not limited by location.

Find out how revamped their hiring strategy.

Avicado Streamlines Data Hiring with Alooba, Saves Time & Finds Top Performers Faster

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Avicado, a construction technology service, struggled with manual take-home assignments for hiring data scientists. These assignments were time-consuming to administer and grade, inconsistent in assessing skills, and prone to bias based on resumes. Since using Alooba Access, Avicado achieved:

  • Automated Screening: Eliminated manual grading, saving time and reducing bias.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined hiring process with faster candidate evaluation.
  • Top Performers: Hired high-scoring candidates who excelled on the job.
  • Wider Talent Pool: Screened all candidates efficiently, opening up new possibilities.

Get insights into Avicado's hiring improvements.

The British Psychological Society Builds High-Performing Data Team Faster with Alooba

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The British Psychological Society, the leading organisation for psychologists, struggled to find top data analysts. Their limited budget couldn't compete with tech and finance salaries, and they needed a quick hiring process to beat competitors. Additionally, their CV- and interview-based screening methods were ineffective for assessing technical skills. Partnering with Alooba, a skills assessment platform, BPS achieved:

  • Improved Quality: Identified best-fit candidates based on objective skills evaluation.
  • Faster Hiring: Identified the right candidates faster, avoiding unqualified applicants.
  • Reduced Bias: Identified hidden gems overlooked based on traditional CV screening.
  • Focus on Soft Skills: Used interviews to assess cultural fit and communication.

Dive into The British Psychological Society's successful hiring transformation.

Logickube Slashes Hiring Costs & Time with Alooba's Automated Skills Assessments

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Logickube​​, an AI consultancy, needed a faster and cheaper way to hire top talent. Traditional methods like take-home tests were time-consuming, inconsistent, and expensive. Since implementing Alooba, Logickube achieved:

  • Reduced Costs: Saved billable hours previously spent on manual tests.
  • Saved Time: Streamlined the hiring process with faster candidate evaluation.
  • Improved Quality: Expert-created questions assessed true on-the-job skills.
  • Soft Skill Evaluation: Video responses helped identify strong communication skills.

Discover how Logickube’s transformed its hiring process.

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