Product AnalyticsProduct Analytics

This page is about the skill Product Analytics, which is one of more than 40 technical skills you can assess on Alooba. The Product Analytics subject is about the core skills of analysing web and mobile applications. Candidates need to understand how to analyse the performance of apps and websites, understand the basics of different technologies available, understand how to answer business problems with data, how to establish the appropriate metrics and dimensions to measure product success etc.

Check out the other skills here.

What types of things are included in the Product Analytics skill?

The Product Analytics skill assesses knowledge of topics like AARRR, A/B testing, Backlog Prioritsation, Cause & Effect, Conversion Rates, Defining Metrics, Geolocating Users, LTV, Pixels, Revenue Models, User Behaviour & Users Scope.

Which types of roles require good Product Analytics skills?

Product Analytics is a commonly assessed skill for roles such as Product Analysts, Product Managers and Software Engineers.

Why should we test someone’s Product Analytics skills?

A critical part of running an ethical hiring process that’s fair and meritocratic is having objective measures of someone’s skills. Why does ethical hiring matter? Simple - it helps you hire the best person for the job.

Robert Half reported that the cost of a bad hire is on average 15-21% of the employee’s salary.

What was the most common reason for mis-hires? A lack of the right technical skills. This a true hiring own-goal, as it’s so easily preventable through a valid, thorough skills assessment.

So, if your role requires a candidate to know Product Analytics well, you can validate that with Alooba Assess.

Can I test my current team’s Product Analytics skills too?

Yes you sure can. You can assess their skills using Alooba Growth.

Which tests can I find the Product Analytics skill in?

Product Analytics can be assessed through the Concepts & Knowledge test & Free Response test. The Free Response Test includes different answer options like written responses, video answers and diagram answers.

Can I add my own Product Analytics questions?

Yes, you can add your own Product Analytics questions via the question bank.

How do I get access to Alooba to test Product Analytics skills?

Feel free to reach out and book a quick discovery call here.

How difficult is the Product Analytics skill?

Each question on Alooba is categorized by difficulty - Easy, Medium & Hard. You can set the difficulty level to whatever you like by picking and choosing the questions that you want to include.

What else can I assess with Alooba?

You can also assess someone’s intelligence, their personality type and critical soft skills, like communication.

Discover How To Get Started Assessing Product Analytics Skills

Our Customers Say

We get a high flow of applicants, which leads to potentially longer lead times, causing delays in the pipelines which can lead to missing out on good candidates. Alooba supports both speed and quality. The speed to return to candidates gives us a competitive advantage. Alooba provides a higher level of confidence in the people coming through the pipeline with less time spent interviewing unqualified candidates.

Scott Crowe, Canva (Lead Recruiter - Data)