Alooba Marketplace
Access pre-qualified analytics & data science candidates from around the world
Stop wasting time sourcing & reading CVs - tap into pre-assessed analytics candidates, ready to move now.

Get qualified candidates, now

Alooba Marketplace candidates are in-market for roles right now, ready to go. No need to post ads, read 100s of CVs, schedule interviews etc.

Consistent source of quality

Alooba Marketplace candidates have already been comprehensively assessed for skills on Alooba. From basic data literacy, to product analytics, SQL, Python, advanced machine learning, and everything in between. No need for CV screening & screening interviews.

CV screening is dead time

The days of posting ads and reading through endless CVs is over. It’s expensive, painfully time consuming and biased. Hire based on demonstrated skills instead.

The world is your oyster

99.999% of all the best candidates are not within commuting distance of your office. Tap into Alooba Marketplace’s growing candidate pool of more than 20k qualified analytics professionals, located throughout the world.

Avoid extortionate recruitment fees

Traditional recruitment is very manual and time consuming, which makes it expensive to administer, and these costs are passed on to you in high fees. With Alooba Marketplace, access high quality, pre-qualified candidates on an affordable basis.

Diversity by design

Traditional recruitment relies on gut-feel, intuition and highly biased processes like manual CV screening. Alooba Marketplace bypasses manual CV screening to focus on the candidate’s measurable skills instead, leveraging Alooba Assess’s candidate cloaking. Alooba Marketplace candidates come from the world over by default, not just your local area.

Hire All Your Core Roles

Access pre-qualified analytics & data science candidates from around the world

Data Analyst

Deriving actionable insights from data, Data Analysts typically understand the underlying data and business well, and will need to articulate their insights succinctly to less technical audiences. Reporting & dashboarding are often the staples of a data analyst.

Product Analyst

Product Analysts are data analysts who focus on web and mobile products. Conversion rate optimisation, A/B testing and user behaviour analysis are the bread and butter of product analysts.

Insights Analyst

Deriving actionable insights from data, Insights Analysts typically understand the underlying data and business well, and will need to articulate their insights succinctly to less technical audiences. Reporting & dashboarding are often the staples of an Insights Analyst.

Data Scientist

Data Scientists focus more on the future than the past. With a strong foundation in statistics and maths, Data Scientists build models to predict the future.

Marketing Analyst

Marketing Analysts are commercially savvy analysts who analyse marketing campaigns. With typically less technical acumen than other data analysts, marketing analysts make up for that with better domain knowledge and commercial acumen.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers are responsible for moving data from A to B, ensuring data is always quickly accessible, correct and in the hands of those who need it. Data Engineers are the data pipeline builders and maintainers.

Candidate skills assessment results

Each candidate is scored in a transparent and objective way based on their skills. These results are shared with you, giving you a map of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses to delve into during your own interview.

Tap into Alooba’s growing talent pool

Access Alooba’s rapidly expanding talent pool of 20k analytics, data science & data engineering professionals.

Flexible commercial model

Alooba Marketplace offers different commercial models to suit your needs. Work on a subscription basis or per position fee for small hiring volumes.

Access pre-qualified analytics & data science candidates from around the world